[icon icon_type=”fontawesome” position=”left” class=”style-2″ icon=”globe” title=”Viaja con quien quieras a dónde quieras y cuando quieras.” url=”#” subtitle=”Teca Logistic para ti, para tu equipo o tus clientes.”]Pide o reserva tu viaje donde y cuando quieras, para ti, para tu equipo o tus clientes.[/icon]
[icon icon_type=”fontawesome” position=”left” class=”style-2″ icon=”thumbs-o-up” title=”100% Garantizado” url=”#” subtitle=”Equipo profesional a tu alcance”]Contamos con personal altamente calificado, así como una gama de vehículos especiales para brindarle el mejor servicio.[/icon]
[icon icon_type=”fontawesome” position=”left” class=”style-2″ icon=”archive” title=”Storing your cargo” url=”#” subtitle=”2000 m2 warehouse”]Our capacities give us the freedom to take care of your cargo from storage to delivery. From small cargo to cargo of grand scale.[/icon]
[icon icon_type=”fontawesome” position=”left” class=”style-2″ icon=”gear” title=”Support for your vehicles” url=”#” subtitle=”we can service your machines”]Having problems with your Truck, Van or any kind of transportation vehicles. We cover everything from service to registration.[/icon]

2000m2 STORAGE

We offer a big storage space, heated and with air condition, to store your good’s safe and organized even for longer period of time.

Cotiza hoy mismo

Tenemos el transporte a la medida de tu negocio.

[heading size=”5″ heading_class=”style-3″ heading_style=”divider-sm”]YOUR CARGO OUR CONCERN [/heading]

We offer a diverse range of transportation services from project cargo to international transportation and domestic retail distribution and delivery.

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[heading size=”5″ heading_class=”style-3″ heading_style=”divider-sm”]100% SAFE DELIVERY[/heading]

Our capacities give us the freedom of executing project of various sizes. From small personal projects to building mega build of grand scale.

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[heading size=”5″ heading_class=”style-3″ heading_style=”divider-sm”]MODERN VEHICLE FLEET[/heading]

Our modern equipped vehicles are operating in countries worldwide under our own banner or our clients’ livery. Our fleet counts over 30 vehicles.

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[recent_portfolio_slider recent_title=”Vehicle park” title_color=”#ffffff” nex_prev_bg_color=”#0f0f0f” number_in_row=”3″ category=”0″]
[heading size=”4″ heading_class=”heading” heading_style=”divider-sm”]CLIENTS THAT TRUST US[/heading]
[logos in_row=”5″ style=”style-2″][logo image_u=”1042″ url=”#”][/logo][logo image_u=”1043″ url=”#”][/logo][logo url=”#” image_u=”1044″][/logo][logo image_u=”1045″ url=”#”][/logo][logo image_u=”1046″ url=”#”][/logo][/logos]


Nos ocuparemos de sus pasajeros y/o carga y los entregaremos de manera segura y puntual.

[button link=”http://themeforest.net/item/transport-wp-transportation-logistic-theme-/11023307″ target=”_blank” size=”medium” style_button=”style-1″ icon_type=”fontawesome” icon=”” color=”#1f425d”]Reserve ahora[/button]

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